Monday, November 3, 2008

Stress Isn't Bad?

Sorry, for not writing in awhile, but since no one reads this anyway, I figured you wouldn't mind. So, according to my Health teacher, stress isn't bad nor is it good. The EFFECTS of stress are both good and bad. I tend to disagree. Stress is currently eating me alive. Right now, it seems like my life is a downward spiral. I'm living day by day and living each one to it's fullest. Of course, this is a very dramatized statement. Aren't I allowed to add a little MORE drama to my life? While I'm not sure that's the brightest nor the best idea, the use of exaggeration is fun regardless.
Right now my stress comes in three major sources: Schoolwork, Band, and Science Fair. Schoolwork is self explanatory I suppose. Band is fun, but basically rules my life. So, I have a hard time finding a proper balance between stressors one and two. The third will leave soon. As soon as I can write my paper and make a stupid pretty display board, a weight will be lifted from my shoulders. Until then, :-(
One thing I'm currently stressing over now is Wind Ensemble. Wind Ensemble is the highest "level" I guess you could say of bands in our band program at CCHS. I and two other trumpet players from the freshman band were asked to audition to be in the Wind Ensemble. A major reason for this is for the Music For All (BOA) trip to Indianapolis in March. So, basically, if we can't afford to go to this trip, there is no point in trying out at all. As it is, students who can't go to BOA are being cut from the Wind Ensemble (good players too!). I wouldn't mind going to BOA, but I'm not like going to die if I don't go. It's a fairly long (few days) trip and I would be missing school. But, this is besides the point. I have talked to my parents and they would be okay with me going on this trip. Our director had given us a piece to play through for auditioning a month ago and said he'd give us a few weeks to try and learn it. I'm an auditory learner, so, in order to learn it, I need to hear it. However, yes, I am a little bit afraid of our director. It's not my fault he's kind of scary!!!!!! :-( So, I couldn't get the recording from him due to a pure lack of chutzpah. But, my competition was narrowed down when one of the other two trumpet players said she couldn't audition because her parents wouldn't let her go on the trip. So, I'm feeling okay about it. But, the director didn't mention anything about it for awhile, so I was hoping he'd give us awhile longer. Then, it happened this past Friday (Halloweed). Another thing is, to be in Wind Ensemble, you have to be in the Marching Band (which is co-curricular). I, with my love of music, am in the Marching Band. So, we had a football game to play at this past Friday. So, dinner was at 4:30 and we had until 5:30 to be ready for inspection. So, I had finished my dinner and was talking to some friends in the band room when the other trumpet player who was trying out (let's call him Steve (NOT HIS REAL NAME)) came past with the band captain saying that the director needed to see us. I got a bad feeling in my stomach. What else could possibly involve only me and Steve? So, we get to his office where he says, "I need you to play for me." Me, being totally nervous blurts, "Now?" His response: "Sometime before inspection." Well, that had me feeling good, NOT! I didn't even have the piece with me. He had a copy he let us use, but that did not ease my stomach. We left for the hall to warm up. He gave us a specific section to work on which I felt fairly confident with. It was all good. It did look like we might miss inspection though. Three of the four Wind Ensemble Upperclassmen came out to warm up with us. Well, actually, two of the four. The third was late and didn't know he was supposed to leave inspection. So, we're warming up with everyone freaking out around us because inspection was to start. We were in the hall and you could hear us from the band room. What was kind of odd was when the command was called in the band room for band ten-hut and we kept playing. We knew the command didn't apply to us, but it was kind of creepy seeing everyone staring at us through the window on the door. So, we turned the corner with our music to avoid the continually glaring eyes. The audtion went okay. It went as follows. The director picked sections from the piece. He has all of us (the Wind Ensemble members, me, and "Steve")play through it together a few times. Then he had them play with Steve, then with me. Admittedly, neither of us sounded terribly amazing. But, it was okay since we didn't really prepare all that much. I think we sounded mutually average. Steve thinks I played better than him, but I'm not so sure. Why is this related to stress? Simply because I haven't found out who made it yet! It's purely maddening and I just want to know already. I mean, I won't die if I didn't make it, I just want to know. Also, word spreads fast in band and everyone keeps asking me if I made it; to which I reply with an annoyed, "I don't know yet!"
The point is, life is stressful, and mine is sure filled with a heck of a lot of it. However, life's good for now, and I'm highly optimistic I'll survive it. :-)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Youtube Videos

So, I'm putting up a player in this blog post. Because? Well, to inform you all about my wonderful videos up to today. :)

Happy Viewing!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

I. Am. Such. A. Dork.

Literally. I found a spelling error in the band handbook the director handed out the other day. The spelling error talked about like unifoms or something and it said that girls' shoes should have little or no "heal". I'm fairly sure they meant 'heel' but, still. I could spell check better than them anyday! It sounded like the were trying to make footwear get better or over an illness or something. Stupid teachers never practice what they preach. I seriously need to take their job!

If you haven't heard the expression that someone "never practices what they preach", it basically means that, they don't do the things they tell other people to do. So, say a teacher teaches good spelling, then they go right back and spell a high "heel" with an A. A freakin' A!!!!!!! Do people not know how confusing that can make a sentence!?!?!? I mean, really! At that point why bother sending out the message at all. Some people, I swear... ugh.

Right, so, I just finished band camp hell. 12 hours of band for 5 days straight. It really wasn't as bad as I had expected. Sure, I still can't do back-up marching in a 6 to 5 step size, but I'm getting better. I'm playing a little better, and I feel more motivated. Honestly, all through last year, I kind of hated playing my trumpet (I prefer the piano and guitar MUCH more). Well, not hate, but I just, didn't enjoy it as much as I should've.

I'd say the worst part about band camp was having to keep my trumpet up though trillions of exercises. I think at one point I stopped playing in addition to breathing. (Not exactly a brilliant idea.) I know it's not NEARLY as heavy as a marching baritone, and probably at 20th of what a Sousaphone weighs, but it still hurt. Suprisingly it wasn't my arms that did the breaking. For some reason, my back is bearing the strain. Right in the center of my back, I get this spasm of pain that comes with an unnerving and startling numbness. Like, hold it for up for five minutes and lose feeling in my back, AND risk toppling over because I can't feel the part of my body that's bearing the weight of my horn. I don't really believe this is a good thing, but uh, well, I really don't feel like breaking down in front of people with instruments 20 times the size of mine who manage to hold it up perfectly fine. I'm sure it's just a temporary thing (I hope!).

I really don't feel like having to quit because of my back. I don't think I could bear letting down this year's miniscule trumpet section. As it is, 50% of us are freshman. At that, the total is TEN trumpets. This number should stand at around 25. But, no. 10. And, I'm feeling that once the class of '09 is gone, we freshman are going to be bearing the brunt. Most of the band comes from one middle school (Pioneer). As it is, 6th graders are being put in 8th grade band because there aren't enough 8th grade trumpeteers. This means, a puny trumpet line for my entire high school experience. Is it just me, or does that kind of suck?

At any rate, I'm not quitting. Music is something that I consider a blessing in my life. Without it, I'm sure I'd go mad. (Not quite literally, but alarmingly close.) I love it too much. I remember being seven and buying my first guitar at Wal-Mart, (rest assured, it was crappy) with my grandma's birthday money. I didn't know a thing about the guitar, not how to tune it, or even how to play it. I had no clue how it worked, but I loved it. It wasn't till I was 11 that I actually took lessons. It was only for a few months, and I didn't get much out of it, but I got enough to know how to tune it, and a few chords. With the help of the internet, I'm fairly good at it. (My sister thinks I suck though. Figures, right?)

Piano started at age 11 as well. 6th grade was a turning point. You know? First introduction into the musical world. (I got my first iPod that year too. A pink mini that I lost a year and a 1/2 later at JC Penney.) I didn't want to play piano, digging up that aversion to lessons I thought I should have from what I'd seen though movies and TV. After one lesson, I loved it. I got it too. It was, not easy, but, I understood. I had a fairly comprehensive understanding of sheet music, and it just wasn't that hard for me to pick up. Sure, it took a while before I figured out you could actually MOVE your fingers from the standard CDEFG, thumb, index, middle, ring, pinky. Shocking right? Who knew when playing the piano your hands MOVED! :) But hey, I was beginning. But after not too long, I was well, amazingly good for a recent learner. I progressed at an advanced rate. After three years of playing, I can find sheet music online and play it fairly well. Unless it's like 6/8 time or something else that always succeeds in furrowing my brow.

Why am I rambling about my love for music? Well, I must say it feels good to get tings off my mind. To release my thoughts so to speak. It's time to give my brain free rein and release my thoughts through a keyboard. Though I doubt that anyone is likely to read this, EVER, I'm glad it's being put down. You never know. Perhaps my kids will one day want to know exactly what I was thinking when I was fourteen. Well, at least what I was willing to record online anyway. :-P

I think despite sleeping till noon, then napping again from 4pm-7pm, I just might need some sleep. I'm going to be SO screwed up when school starts. No way am I going to be able to get up at 5:30 a.m. I hope I have an elective first hour so my brain has time to dehibernate and remain fully conscious.

Forever hoping no one will ever read this blog unless they have no clue who I am,

emily. :) *yawn*

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

my first blog?

hello world. This is my first blog. Could you tell? My guess is yes. I doubt anyone besides those I know will ever read this, but I feel compelled to write anyhow. My 14th birthday was yesterday, July 15th. I am going into the 9th grade, as my "about me" explains. My best friend Jessica gave me one of the coolest gifts: funnel cake mix. I couldn't believe it. I seriously thought you could only get funnel cake at carnivals and amusement parks. I'm never allowed to have it because my mom hates artificial "crud". Other than that, and pins my best friend Jessica also gave me, I only got cards. I'm not really in a position to care right now. My parents' present was a trip to Busch Gardens Virginia this past Saturday, so nothing from them. My friend Tess says she got me something and it hasn't come in yet, and my friend Natalie tells me she's getting me something. I'm a bit worried. I really don't need presents because I have so much "stuff" as it is, but my friends want to get me stuff. I'm not going to burst their bubbles, but if I have a party next year, I might say "presence but no presents." It's not that I don't like presents, (who doesn't) but I don't feel like turning 14 is a good reason for someone to buy me something. I always feel bad for some reason. Ah well.

I had Marching Band practice yesterday. I was so tired I fell asleep with my clothes on. Also, I'm extremely sore. It was a "great" birthday. (If you know what I mean). I think I'm going to get some rest. Or not. I don't know. I think I'll find something fun to do. However that might mean playing chess against myself. *sigh* At least I know who'll win! :)
