Wednesday, July 16, 2008

my first blog?

hello world. This is my first blog. Could you tell? My guess is yes. I doubt anyone besides those I know will ever read this, but I feel compelled to write anyhow. My 14th birthday was yesterday, July 15th. I am going into the 9th grade, as my "about me" explains. My best friend Jessica gave me one of the coolest gifts: funnel cake mix. I couldn't believe it. I seriously thought you could only get funnel cake at carnivals and amusement parks. I'm never allowed to have it because my mom hates artificial "crud". Other than that, and pins my best friend Jessica also gave me, I only got cards. I'm not really in a position to care right now. My parents' present was a trip to Busch Gardens Virginia this past Saturday, so nothing from them. My friend Tess says she got me something and it hasn't come in yet, and my friend Natalie tells me she's getting me something. I'm a bit worried. I really don't need presents because I have so much "stuff" as it is, but my friends want to get me stuff. I'm not going to burst their bubbles, but if I have a party next year, I might say "presence but no presents." It's not that I don't like presents, (who doesn't) but I don't feel like turning 14 is a good reason for someone to buy me something. I always feel bad for some reason. Ah well.

I had Marching Band practice yesterday. I was so tired I fell asleep with my clothes on. Also, I'm extremely sore. It was a "great" birthday. (If you know what I mean). I think I'm going to get some rest. Or not. I don't know. I think I'll find something fun to do. However that might mean playing chess against myself. *sigh* At least I know who'll win! :)
